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例句與用法. chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions . 在做體位引流時要敲擊和振動胸部幫助分泌物松動排出。

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chest percussion and vibration中文在chest percussion醫學中文 - Cnap的討論與評價

《英漢醫學詞典》chest percussion 胸部叩擊法“percussion”中文翻譯n. 1. ... Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge ...

chest percussion and vibration中文在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

    chest percussion and vibration中文在postural drainage and percussion 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL的討論與評價

    Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions. 在做體位引流時要敲擊和振動胸部幫助分泌物松動排出。

    chest percussion and vibration中文在胸部叩擊之照護的討論與評價

    Physiotherapy and airway clearance. Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 219-229. Ramandeep, K., Bhagwan, D., Ejaz, A. A., & Singh, A. (2020). Chest ...

    chest percussion and vibration中文在胸腔物理治療 - 臺北市立關渡醫院的討論與評價

    三、胸腔物理治療(chest physical therapy; CPT). 利用物理方法,清除呼吸道過多的分泌物,達到最大的通氣量。其. 治療目標包含了移動和清除痰液、增加運動的耐受力、 ...

    chest percussion and vibration中文在慢性呼吸道疾病呼吸道清潔技巧 - 防癆協會的討論與評價

    拍痰(Clapping, percussion, and vibration). 於胸壁上施以叩打,使肺中分 ... chest wall compression). 由機器空氣振動產生震動,能產生.

    chest percussion and vibration中文在探討高頻胸壁振盪治療對患者痰液清除之成效- 月旦知識庫的討論與評價

    中文 摘要. 目的:肺部疾病患者常因痰液滯留體內,導致呼吸道感染而入院治療,傳統治療會執行 ... for sputum clearance include percussion (clapping) and vibration.

    chest percussion and vibration中文在急性呼吸衰竭的早期物理治療的討論與評價

    5、扣擊和震動(Percussion and vibration) ... 胸腔物理治療(Chest physiotheapy)和肌肉再訓練(Muscle retraining),胸腔物理治療對於成功戒除呼吸氣相當重要;肌肉再 ...

    chest percussion and vibration中文在胸腔物理治療對囊狀纖維化病人痰液排除成效之文獻評讀的討論與評價

    Critical Appraisal of Result for Chest Physiotherapy on ... 中文關鍵字 ... percussion vibration, breathing technique, airway secretion clearance 之條件納入 ...

    chest percussion and vibration中文的PTT 評價、討論一次看
